by purecharity | Oct 31, 2012 | Blog, Features
I’m very excited about the recently-introduced Embed Project Widgets feature on Pure Charity! This feature equips people to easily increase awareness of their favorite world-changing projects well beyond the borders of Pure Charity. And when someone clicks through...
by purecharity | Oct 9, 2012 | Blog
Members of the Pure Charity team arrived in Porte-au-Prince, Haiti last night as a part of Help One Now’s Blogger Trip. Help One Now is a Pure Charity Field Partner who is committed to caring for orphans & vulnerable children by empowering & resourcing...
by purecharity | Oct 5, 2012 | Blog, Field Partners
Last month, Pure Charity givers impacted their first life! Twelve people responded quickly to the story of Mintesanew Fikadu, a five year-old boy who lives in Ethiopia and needs surgery for his clubfoot condition. The total cost of the surgery: $500. ...
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