I’m very excited about the recently-introduced Embed Project Widgets feature on Pure Charity! This feature equips people to easily increase awareness of their favorite world-changing projects well beyond the borders of Pure Charity. And when someone clicks through from the attractive widget and signs up for a Pure Charity account, that person will be added to the Advocate Network of the person who posted the project widget!
This is how to embed the project widget: On every project page, there is an EMBED PROJECT WIDGET button.
Clicking this button will reveal the html code for two widget options: Full Size and Compact. Copying the html code is done by clicking the clipboard icon beneath the html code. Once copied, paste the html code in your website, blog, e-newsletter … wherever html is accepted! The widget is dynamically updated, which means that the information displayed in the widget is always current.
I’ve seen Field Partners embed their project widgets in websites and e-newsletters, and many people regularly embed project widgets in their blogs.
Embedding project widgets is an effective, visual way to promote the projects about which you are passionate. Take a few minutes today to explore this feature, then give it a try! I’m sure you’ll love it!
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