“What if I joined a different movement, one that was less enticed by luxuries and more interested in justice? What if I believed every dollar spent is vital, a potential soldier in the war on inequality? -Jen Hatmaker
A year ago in Ethiopia, Jen & Brandon Hatmaker started wondering what it would like to deepen their relationships with their community, while strengthening and empowering their collective giving. Knowing what the vision was, but not exactly sure how to implement it, the Hatmaker’s sat down with our Pure Charity team to brainstorm how their vision could become a reality.
Once we started listening to the Hatmaker’s, we realized that their vision of a Giving Community could be realized through an age-old concept: Giving Circles. So what started out as a conversation about fundraising and advocacy, turned into something more than we could have ever dreamed of! With the Hatmaker’s vision of for a Giving Community we were able to build the infrastructure that would allow communities to collectively give towards a common passion, nonprofit or cause.
With the Hatmaker’s vision and the right technical engine, Legacy Collective was born.
Legacy Collective works to engage systemic problems related to social issues by resourcing what they believe to be the most innovative efforts and funding the most critical projects. With partnerships through Kidmia Orphans, Community First, and Help One Now, they focus on supporting orphan prevention & economic empowerment, sustainable housing for the homeless, and child trafficking rescue & prevention in multiple countries around the world.
Today, we are excited to announce our friends the Hatmaker’s want YOU to join in their commitment to making an on-going difference through the Legacy Collective. With a monthly pledge, you can be a part of a community that is taking action, loving on others, and changing lives. To learn more about the different ways you can join, click here.
We {desired-dreamed-envisioned-BELIEVED} that Giving Circles could empower communities to not only support issues around the world today, but actively partake in the larger story of choosing hope… together. We’re thankful for the Hatmakers’s desire to dream big, and we’re excited to see how Legacy Collective leaves a lasting impact on lives around the world today.
If you would like to learn more about how you can engage your own community through a Giving Circle, check out our resource page here. If you’d like to learn more about Legacy Collective, click here.
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